Dental Board of Australia - Recency of Practice
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Recency of Practice

Recency of Practice and Return to Practice

The Dental Board of Australia (the Board) has developed a registration standard on recency of practice (the standard) under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law) as in force in each state and territory.

The standard sets out the Board’s minimum requirements for recency of practice for dental practitioners. It is available below and on the Registration Standards page of the Board’s website.

Recency of practice means that a dental practitioner has maintained an adequate connection with, and recent practice in the profession since qualifying for, or obtaining registration.

PDF Accessible format Date of effect
Recency of practice registration standard (PDF 200KB) Recency of practice registration standard (DOCX 360KB) 1 December 2015
Provision of additional information for recency of practice/Return to practice form AIRP-20(PDF1.94MB) 8 December 2015
Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dentist (PDF 245KB) Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dentist (DOCX 100KB)
10 May 2016
Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dental hygienist (PDF322KB) Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dental hygienist (DOCX 101KB) 10 May 2016
Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dental therapist (PDF247KB) Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dental therapist (DOCX 101KB) 10 May 2016
Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Oral health therapist (PDF 248KB) Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Oral health therapist DOCX 102KB) 10 May 2016
Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dental prosthetist (PDF322KB) Recency of practice/Return to practice self-assessment tool - Dental prosthetist (DOCX 99KB)
10 May 2016
Template for Return to practice supervised practice plan and supervision report (PDF 462KB) 8 December 2015

Download a PDF of the FAQ on Recency of practice (PDF 53KB).

Page reviewed 18/03/2025