Dental Board of Australia - Updated fact sheet on teeth whitening available now
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Updated fact sheet on teeth whitening available now

13 Aug 2021

The Dental Board of Australia (the Board) has released an updated fact sheet on teeth whitening for dental practitioners.

The purpose of the fact sheet is to give dental practitioners an overview of the laws and professional obligations that apply when they use teeth whitening products as part of their practice. The fact sheet provides links to useful information, such as medicines and poisons legislation.

The main change to the fact sheet is that it now confirms practitioners can provide higher concentration take-home teeth whitening products to patients, if after applying professional judgement, they determine it is safe to do so. This reflects the withdrawal of the previous Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) product safety bulletin that stated high concentration teeth whitening products could only be used in-clinic.

The fact sheet was updated in consultation with our stakeholders, including the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the ACCC. The fact sheet uses the Board’s new plain English formatting style, which the Board intends applying to its other fact sheets.

The Board hopes that the updated fact sheet now clarifies any confusion around practitioners being able to provide teeth whitening products to patients for use at home, under practitioner instruction.

If you have any feedback about the updated fact sheet and the new format, please let us know by emailing

For more information

Page reviewed 13/08/2021