Dental Board of Australia - Q&A session recordings
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Q&A session recordings

Live Q&A sessions were held in June so dental practitioners could ask questions about the revised Scope of practice registration standard, in effect 1 July 2020.

The online sessions replaced planned stakeholder forums which were cancelled due to COVID-19. The stakeholder forum presentation can be watched as a recording of a webinar presentation.

Recordings of the June Q&A sessions are available to watch below. Both Q&A sessions were conducted using GoToWebinar.

The online Q&A sessions were facilitated by Executive Officer – Dental, Luisa Interligi, and co-hosted by Dental Board of Australia Chair, Dr Murray Thomas, and Clinical Input Team Manager, Dr Ben Keith.

3 June 2020 – Q&A session recording

Dr Thomas and Dr Keith answer various practitioner queries which included but were not limited to questions about changes to the standard, how the changes affect practitioners in private and public practice, access to Medicare provider numbers and removal of the regulatory requirement for a structured professional relationship from the standard.


18 June 2020 - Q&A session recording

Dr Keith outlines reasons why the standard was changed, and Dr Thomas clarifies scope and the use of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers by dentists. They then address some of the more commonly asked questions from the 3 June Q&A session, such as questions about Medicare provider numbers. Other queries answered included but were not limited to questions about dental practitioners working without a dentist being present, study and training to broaden scope and referring patients.

Page reviewed 20/12/2024